With a new year ahead, it’s time to reflect on the year that’s been and set yourself up for success in ways that matter. Looking back on the past year can help you figure out where you want to spend your time and energy next year, whether that’s continuing your successes or remembering lessons you learned from past failures.
The three main things to ask about the year are:
1. What did you do this year that you’re really proud of?
2. What have you learned from your mistakes?
3. What are you willing to let go of?
Here are more questions that can help you review and reflect below:
What or who did I learn the most from?
What do I wish I did differently?
What new skills did I acquire?
What limiting belief about myself do I no longer have?
How have I been proved wrong and how was that liberating?
Who or what am I most inspired and energized by?
What went better/harder than I expected?
What global issue did I take personally?
How did I surprise myself?
What did I do for others?
What am I most grateful for?
What negative patterns seem to be repeating?
What did I start and not complete?
What was something I failed at and what did I learn?
What was the kindest thing I did for my friends and family?
What no longer worries me, that used to?
Where, or doing what, do I feel the most peace?
As 2018 draws to a close we have the opportunity to realign our focus and energy, which might mean pulling us back from things that no longer serve us.
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